Photo of Sophie Hoo

Sophie Hoo

Women in Business: Vice President

Hi! I’m Sophie, a second year Chemistry student, running to be your Vice President of Women in Business!

As the current Internal/Alumni Relations manager, I am excited to continue empowering and bringing together all the aspiring women of Imperial and the business world. My goal is to support our members’ career journey and foster a close-knit environment, where us women students can confidently work towards our career ambitions!

As Vice President, I’m ready to:

1. Organise and diversify panel events and workshops in various career paths (Finance, Consulting, Tech, VC) to help ICWB members navigate their career interests and prepare for spring and summer internship applications.

2. Partner with industry-leading firms and sponsors to organise exclusive networking events, office visits and workshops to allow our members to connect with recruiters and professionals of different firms.

3. Leverage and broaden my relationships with Imperial alumni industry professionals, Imperial Business School and other women-focused organisations (GAIN, Women in Trading) developed through my previous work in the ICWB mentorship scheme and alumni panel events. I plan to utilise these connections to host social events, fireside chats, and joint-society events will further facilitate interactions for our members.

I am deeply committed to the growth of this society and ensuring each and everyone of you are able to reach your full potential. As such, I hope you will consider voting for me so that I can fulfill my promises to help you develop both as individuals and as a society.

Thank you so much !