Endocrinology: Secretary


Aishah Anjum

Hello! I'm Aishah and I’m running for secretary. As a medical student living with chronic endocrine health conditions – like PCOS and hypothyroidism – and having family members with diabetes, I possess a deep understanding and passion for endocrinology and its systemic impacts upon the body. My firsthand experience has provided me with a genuine motivation to learn more and spread awareness about it ...

Adam Shann

Hi everyone! My name is Adam, I'm a 2nd year medical student, and I'm excited to put myself forward to be your next Secretary. My interest in endocrinology was sparked when health coaching a patient with Addison's Disease. It was fascinating to compare what we learned in lectures to real life. This experience, coupled with observing the care of many endocrine disorders in hospital, has solidified my passion for th ...

Haixuan Zhou

Hi all! I'm Haixuan but most people would probably know me as Connie. I'm a second year medic and would love to run for secretary. As with most people, my initial interest for endo started from the fantastic teaching from faculty. Having worked in an admin role in a hospital setting, I am familiar with the need of being organised with great communication between different departments. I look forwards to utili ...