Photo of Dharun Srirathan

Dharun Srirathan

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hello everyone, we are Prachur and Dharun and we are running to be your Early-years Coordinators! Having used MedEd resources ourselves to study, we understand the importance of this role and society. Furthermore, we aim to build on our predecessors' work and further cultivate the spirit of peer-based teaching that drives the society's endeavours.

Prachur: I am passionate about education and have years of teaching experience, delivering well-received, engaging lectures, including the BRS phase 1a crash-course. I prioritise feedback-driven improvements and practice-based learning. Through experiences as Imperial's BMA representative and organizational roles, I have developed the required leadership, communication and collaborative skills to excel in this role.

Dharun: Having had many years of tutoring experience, I am enthusiastic about exploring various learning modes, through which I have learnt adaptability and resillience. Additionally, through chairing TedX talks, I know how to assemble a diverse team with mixed skills to provide an excellent end-result.

Our primary aims for the upcoming year are:

  1. Improving the question bank for POM, BRS, CSI, and LMAP, especially aiming to increase the number of practice SAQs available for POM and BRS.
  2. Starting a PVB crash course as this is a section less focused on by students, although it's high scoring.
  3. Introducing a mentorship programme for CRI and LMAP (podcast), wherein senior years give constructive feedback to juniors' finished projects.
  4. Collaborating with Imperial Career Service to provide students with portfolio-building help.
  5. Updating tutorial notes by consulting students in that respective year.

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