Photo of Vin Gomes

Vin Gomes

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hi guys, we are Vin and Stelios and we are running for Early Years Co-ordinators for MedED. We are both hard-working individuals and we believe that we not only possess the right skills for the role but that we would also be a useful asset to the MedED team. Having nearly completed our pre-clinical years we not only know how hard POM is in first year, how much BRS content there is in second year and how tricky LMAP can be but also how VITAL the support of MedED is in all of this. Our participation in the BRS Phase 1a Crash-course sparked our medical teaching passion but now we want to make some CHANGE.

If elected, we will address the following:

  • SUPPORT for POM (Yr1)
  • SUPPORT for LMAP exam (Yr2)
  • Make you AWARE and SUPPORT you in opportunities of interest e.g. teaching, research, conferences etc.
  • MORE online tutorials and exam-style practise questions

In addition to these, we are always open to feedback from all of YOU on what YOU want to change. By being an easy point of contact, we hope that you will all feel comfortable asking any questions or reaching out to us with any concerns you have throughout the year!

We both appreciate the time you have taken to read this and hope you vote for us :)

Email us if you have any questions ( and