Snowsports: Trip Secretary


David Van der Borght

Hi everyone! We are Cino and David, two ski trip regulars looking to elevate your experience on next year's ski trip. With 2 (soon to be 3) years of trip experience, these are just some of our ideas for how to make the upcoming trip one for the books: A valley run with more exhilarating, outrageous stops and challenges than ever before An Imperial table secured every day at Apres so you have no trouble with the ...

Luc Lawford

Hi again you lovely Snowsports members, Some of you may know me as the current Tour Officer of your beloved Snowsports club. After organising a very successful Scotland tour, if I do say so myself and forgetting about smashing the window of the Union minibus and driving it into a hedge, I feel like its time for an upgrade… Trip Sec! Don’t worry I won’t be driving the coaches for the trip. If you c ...