Photo of Khushi Srivastava

Khushi Srivastava

Nutritank: N4Y Lead

Hi everyone! We’re Khushi and Sunanda and we would love to be the N4Y co-leads this year. We have both really enjoyed volunteering with Nutritank in the past and have seen it blossom over the last couple of years.


I have thoroughly enjoyed being on subcommittee this year and running my first session with such lovely volunteers this term. This has helped me realise that I would really enjoy being a connection between our incredible society and the children benefitting from the sessions we offer. Seeing how hard it can be to make time to cook for yourself as an adult sometimes has highlighted the importance of getting the relevant skills and knowledge from a young age!


Volunteering at schools as part of TBH committee has been a really rewarding experience for me and I hope to spread my passion for cooking and promote a positive attitude toward nutrition from a young age. This year, as Academic Officer, I’ve organised tutorial series for Immunology and Pharmacology society. The planning and communication skills I’ve learnt will allow us to smoothly run engaging sessions.

Looking forwards, we are excited to:

  • Build on partnerships that Lizzie and Guowei have developed and reach out to more schools
  • Recruit new volunteers in collaboration with the promo team
  • Potentially introduce another session to expand on sessions from the previous year

We really hope to emulate the enthusiasm and support of this year’s leads and spread the word about our lovely society.