Photo of Noor Elsheikh

Noor Elsheikh

Blockchain: Chair

Since stepping up to Chair in the past month, I have not only revived this society from the ashes but made it one of the most active in the university.

  • Committee member since August 2023, society member for 2 years since its founding
  • Delivered 13 events in a month with 8 more confirmed before exam season.
  • Founded Imperial's first-ever DAO, ImperialDAO
  • Source and mediator of the majority of IBG's industry partnerships, including Kraken, Solana, Arbitrum, Playmint, Avalanche, Encode, HomeDAO, a16z, several Crypto Quant firms, and countless more, leveraging my strong network in the Crypto space
  • Revived the ongoing Quantitative Trading Series with 50+ active attendees
  • Sparked the society's software development projects
  • Leveraged my Venture Capital connections to have several exclusive investment deals available to DAO members after onboarding
  • Grew the society by 100+ members in a month
  • Extensively well-networked in the start-up and VC ecosystem as well as the financial world

My mission statement has always been the same: "To connect society members with opportunities".

The majority of our current industry partnerships/projects would fall flat and suffer a slow reset with a new Chair at this stage. At our current acceleration, we're on the path to being amongst the most prestigious, active and wealthiest societies at Imperial.

For the hope of the society's continued bull market-level growth, I hope I can continue to spearhead our projects, events and partnerships and deliver the massive backlog of events we have in the works this year.

Noor 10x Leverage Elsheikh