Photo of Prithvi Joseph Philip

Prithvi Joseph Philip

Prosthetics: Secretary

Hello! I'm Prithvi, first year MechEng.

The truth is I do not have much, if any, experience for a role like this. However, the reason I want to become our new secretary is because I want to do more for this society. It's been such an amazing first year working with everyone on the Leg team.

Things I would like to do:

- Stay on top of all the behind-the scenes stuff so you do not have to deal with that

- Organise more events/socials: suggestions are welcome :)

- Help take the necessary steps so that we receive more funding by getting us past being an incubation society.

- Ensure that all the newcomers next year will feel like they are contributing to the team.

Why you should choose me? Well, as I said before, I like to stay on top of things. And taking a role such as this would be a top priority for me.