Photo of Uma Keomany

Uma Keomany

Climate Entrepreneurs: Events Manager


I am Uma and I am a second year student in Chemical Engineering :)

The Climate Entrepreneurs Club has been incredibly helpful to me in shaping my career plan. By becoming part of the committee as an Events Manager, I wish to create meaningful events for its members and carry on inspiring more students for their career.

Why vote for me?

  • Experienced in events management in high school by organising school trips, prom venues
  • Volunteer facilitator at a climate change awareness organisation: I am used to reaching out to companies and universities to create events
  • Enjoy operational planning and handling logistics behind events
  • Very motivated and organised, I am very committed to spend time working in this role

Some of my events ideas for the upcoming year:

  • Speed interviews with alumnus to ask about their entrepreneurial growth
  • Socials: socialise, find people with same values over an interactive event such as puzzle night, quiz sessions or dinners! This could make aspiring entrepreneurs to meet their potential future partners!
  • Events with charities/organisations for climate change to explore more topics with members and potentially trigger new ideas to solve issues discussed

Beyond wanting to work for the CEC, I would particularly like to foster meaningful connections within our society. I aim to know our members personally not only by supporting their career ambitions but also to create a dynamic and friendly community atmosphere.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, your vote would be immensely meaningful to me.

Uma Keomany