Photo of Mingeon Kim

Mingeon Kim

RCSU: Events Officer

Hello everyone! I’m Noah, a second-year Biochemistry student, and I'm excited to run for the position of Events Officer.

With a wealth of experience as vice-president of various high school societies, including the Talent Show Committee and the Archery Club, I've honed my skills in organizing engaging and dynamic events. I excel at creating detailed event timelines, securing necessary resources, and collaborating effectively with both internal and external partners.

If elected as your Events Officer, I guarantee to dedicate myself to creating exciting and inclusive events for everyone. Here are my promises to you:

  • Active Collaboration: I will work closely with all committee members to ensure a smooth and efficient flow of events. Communication and teamwork will be my top priorities.
  • Organizing Large Events: I will coordinate and supervise Union-wide events, aiming to hold a minimum of two major events that bring our community together.
  • Volunteer Recruitment: I will recruit responsible and enthusiastic students as volunteers and manage them effectively to ensure the success of our events.
  • Coordination with RAG Champion: I will be actively involved in the organization of RAG Union events, contributing to their planning and execution.

As a potential Events Officer, I am committed to applying my passion, experience, and skills to enhance our society. I aim to support students in networking, foster a deeper passion for science, and create events where everyone feels involved and excited to participate.

Thank you for considering me for the role of Events Officer!