Photo of Finn Wright

Finn Wright

LGBTQ+ Officer

Hi people!

My name is Finn (he/him) and I’m finishing my second year on a BSc Biochemistry. I love walking around London parks listening to Lana, vinyl records, and playing trumpet in IC Big Band - also being the best publicity officer :)

My main aim with this role will be to ensure both students and staff feel safe and comfortable being themselves at Imperial. I came out in 2021 and surprisingly I was completely supported by friends and family, however I know it’s not the same for everyone. Therefore I want to support other LGBTQ+ members of Imperial and advocate for them on any issues.

My Manifesto:

  • Ensure trans and non-binary students feel comfortable on campus and continue the discussion as to how we can make them safer outside of Imperial campuses
  • Work with IQ to identify any issues and opportunities for improvement around campus
  • Collaborate with staff and students to review and evaluate LGBTQ+ staff training programs, ensuring both staff and students feel comfortable and confident when discussing sexuality and gender
  • Collect feedback in surveys to prioritise students when making decisions
  • Provide a safe space for students that are questioning their gender or sexuality
  • Organise events between faculties and universities across London to learn from their initiatives and identify areas we can improve Imperial
  • Review the current disciplinary procedures in place for homophobic and transphobic incidents and hold the college to account on their provision for gender-neutral toilets