Photo of Yuriko Masui

Yuriko Masui

CGCU: Sponsorship Officer

Hi everyone,

My name is Yuriko and I am a first year civil engineering undergraduate running for the role of sponsorship officer. Throughout my time here, I've actively participated in CGCU events including the welcome dinner and the pub crawl. Here are 3 reasons I believe I will be a perfect fit for this role.

  1. Having experience as a committee member as part of the basketball society, I am aware of how societies at Imperial are run. I am not afraid to speak up, voice opinions and negotiate for the smooth running of the society. I will ensure to bring in new initiatives by working closely with the rest of the committee.
  2. I am open-minded and resourceful which enables me to connect with a diverse selection of sponsors to increase the quality of our events.
  3. As a founder of a charity walk organisation, We Care Fukushima, I am experienced in managing money and putting them to good use. I initiated and organised to raise over £4000 in the past 7 years, ensuring it has been donated to the right foundation by visiting offices myself and personally participating in the recovery works after the nuclear power plant explosion in Fukushima.

If elected, I promise to develop a clear sponsorship strategy and work to provide large-scale events of quality through diverse and engaged sponsors.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto and I wish the other candidates the best of luck.