Photo of Samhat Rahman

Samhat Rahman

CGCU: Sponsorship Officer

Hi! Hope you’re well. I am thrilled to be standing for the ‘CGCU Sponsorship Officer’ position and would like to explain briefly my plans and actions if I get elected.

So, why vote for me? I will…

  • Help promote CGCU events to major networks and industries to bring YOU worldwide connections.
  • Bring quality-speakers, knowledgeable members with similar interests to Imperial as forms of sponsorship as well as company merchandise for us to enjoy. :)
  • Communicate effectively through convincing calls and emails with sponsors, and send follow-up messages to ensure sponsorships resulting in cheaper tickets to events.

As a world leading, and world-changing university, we must bring sponsorships who align with our sustainable, innovative and inclusive goals. I assure you that this will be the case if I am elected.

Having recently served in the ChemEngSoc’s industrial relations and sponsorship team, and organising events convincing companies to attend through persuasive emails and meetings, I have exercised my communication, team-working, organisation and negotiation skills that are clearly needed for this role.

I hope to have shared my passion and enthusiasm with you about the role and would heavily appreciate if you consider me for this position. Enjoy voting! :)