Photo of Samhat Rahman

Samhat Rahman

CGCU: Alumni Officer

Hi! Hope you’re well. I am thrilled to be standing for the ‘CGCU Alumni Officer’ position and would like to explain briefly my plans and actions if I get elected.

So, why vote for me? I will…

  • Help YOU build connections and network with individuals in leading industries by promoting and organising alumni events in forms of speeches, small-group meetings and mentoring sessions.
  • Help YOU engage with the community by actively supporting the discussions of world-challenges that are being solved in the workplace and how you can help.
  • Help bring funding to OUR union from potential alumni donors.
  • Help YOU have someone listen to your concerns and guide you through their honest career pathway whilst sharing their top tips and advice in finding a fulfilling career in today's economy
  • Have YOUR opinions heard and action taken on by having feedback surveys and follow-up messages.

Having recently served in the ChemEngSoc’s Industrial Relations and Sponsorship team, and organising events convincing companies to attend through persuasive emails and meetings, I have exercised my communication, team-working, organisation and negotiation skills that are clearly needed for this role.

We all want to see ourselves somewhere in the future and having an opportunity to meet someone who has gone through a similar path (academically) and hear their experience is invaluable. I want to give us that opportunity.

I hope to have shared my passion and enthusiasm with you about the role and would heavily appreciate if you consider me for this position. Enjoy voting! :)