Photo of Devni Peramunugamage

Devni Peramunugamage

IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Chair/President/Captain

My name’s Devni - I’ve been your IQ President this past year, and am re-running to do it all over again!! Why would she do this to herself again, is a very fair question to ask - the risk assessments, the budgets, the event proposals, the emails, the dealing with the union, the…*shudders* yet more risk assessments. The unforgivably cheesy truth is, I really do love IQ. This stupid society has become the biggest part of my uni experience. The incredible people I’ve met, and the memories we’ve all made together have made all the emails and risk assessments worth it. Next year, I’d love to continue working with the amazing committee to keep delivering general events for everybody, as well as intersectional events for our more marginalised groups. I’d love to keep organising a wide range of events, where there’s something for everybody – quiet arts and crafts, bracelet making sessions, movie nights, as well as our eventful soho bar crawls and nights out. And as much as we love our Heaven nights, I’d love to put in more effort to try and explore the massive range of queer venues we have in London. I love you guys, and it’d be my honour to keep presidenting IQ next year! 💖