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Israr Mahmud

Bangladeshi: President

Two BSoc veterans reliving the tried and tested aero and medic rule of BSoc.

Our plans for next year are to keep the good things going and continure to elevate the society. Over the past years, we have collaborated with Maa to raise as much money to help mothers in less fortunate areas of the world. We (your previous wing crawl leads) will continue this trend and, with the help of some friendly competition, will try to make Maa a more well known cause around campus and raise as much money as we can.

Of course we are a Bangladeshi society so we must also focus on reconnecting with our roots. We had some amazing events last year including the Victory Day dinner and Leesa Gazi takk in collaboration with UCL BSoc. This year we will try to implement Bangla language lessons, where we'll bring in experts to give some fun, lighthearted sessions. Feel free to pop in to pick up a new language or surprise your parents as you reconnect with your mother tongue.