Photo of Guanlin Lyu

Guanlin Lyu

Chinese Students & Scholars Association: President

My name is Guanlin Lyu. There are the priorities that I think the CSSA should focus on. First, protecting the rights and interests of Chinese students and scholars at Imperial College London is the highest purpose. I always adhere to the principle of serving international students wholeheartedly, protect the personal and property safety of students and scholars in imperial, enrich the cultural life of students and scholars in the spare time, solve the difficulties of students and scholars living in the Imperial college, enhance the academic exchanges, and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Make unremitting efforts to enhance the patriotic enthusiasm and cohesion of Chinese students and scholars.

If I have the honor to be elected as the president, I will make appropriate expansion and improvement in the following point:

  1. Organize regular activities to enhance the communication between various departments, enhance the feelings among the members of the CSSA, and make all members feel the warmth of the big family.
  2. Regularly assess the heads of each department, point out the shortcomings of their members, discuss solutions and develop the next stage of improvement plan.
  3. Enhance the cooperation of various departments, that is, a work should be completed by multiple departments as far as possible, rather than independently, so as to increase the efficiency of work and enhance the unity and cooperation spirit of the members of the student Union.
  4. To carry out some meaningful activities boldly and innovatively, so the work of the CSSA can make new breakthroughs.