Photo of Naya Miah

Naya Miah

Musical Theatre: President


I am Naya and if you haven’t realised yet, I have in fact been haunting your inbox for the past 10 months. Now I’m ready to move on and haunt your entire lives for the next year - so I’m running for pres ! If you’ve spotted me in the library, I’m mostly avoiding actual work by doing MT work🙏 alternate productivity for the winâś…

On a serious note: I believe I am entirely equipped to deal with the behind-the-scenes of the society. Having slightly overcommitted with being in 6 Revue numbers this year (I MD’d 2 of them!!), I have a really high appreciation for producing a really high-quality Revue and maintaining that same standard after this year’s success! Musical Directing and being one-half of a Producer duo (love you harry) of Studio Show this year has definitely been the most insightful experience in terms of actually delivering a show from a production perspective. Hindsight is an incredibly powerful thing, and I intend to use everything I’ve learnt and every mistake I’ve made, to produce a successful Revue.

I am unfortunately limited by the word count of the Union, but COME TO EGM and you'll hear all about my wonderful experience, including being on committee this year. Love you all xx