Photo of Rajveer Mukherjee

Rajveer Mukherjee

Mathematics: Social Events Officer

Some other people may be applying to this role as an easy thing to put on their CV, but I take this role very seriously. For years, maths students have shouldered the burden of being branded the fun-hating nerds of universities: I'm here to put that to an end.

  • Pub Crawls
  • Sports leagues
  • Christmas Dinner
  • Department ball
  • Movie nights

These are just some of the events that I would implement and improve upon in my time as social secretary.

There is a space for everyone at mathsoc and my role will be to create an environment where people can meet new people and come together in a comfortable space.

Whether you drink or not, there is something for everyone at mathsoc (including more free food if you vote for me). I will make it a priority to ensure everyone feels included and not alienated by the events that I would plan.

Most of all, I want to be in a position to have a direct impact on mathsoc. I have many ideas that are not limited to the role of social secretary and a vote for me will put me one step closer to being able to create changes that everyone wants.

Do the right thing and vote for me!

(pls vote for me my CV is looking rough right now)