Photo of Chujie Zhang

Chujie Zhang

Chinese Students & Scholars Association: Deputy Head of Sports Department

I'm Chujie Zhang, I'm running for the Deputy Head of the Sports Department of CSSA, I am committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive sports culture within CSSA.

If elected, my priorities include ensuring our sports activities embrace a wide range of interests and skill levels. Organizing regular events that appeal to all members, fostering a sense of belonging. Advocating for improved access to sports facilities through negotiations and partnerships. Encouraging involvement in charity events, volunteering, and collaborating with local organizations. Keeping members informed about events and opportunities, fostering transparency. Actively seeking input to continually enhance our sports programs.

Specifically, my colleagues and I will actively promote racket sports such as squash, badminton, table tennis, and tennis in the Chinese student and scholar community inside and outside of Imperial, and regularly hold social racket sports event.

In addition, if elected, as one of the leaders of the Sports Department, my colleagues and I will strongly support the CSSA Chinese Football and Basketball teams in their daily training and outing games. This includes, but is not limited to, assistance and support such as human resource, sports activity funding, social media, and commercial sponsorship.

Let's make our sports department a dynamic, inclusive space where everyone feels empowered to pursue their passions.

Thank you for your support.

Chujie Zhang