Photo of Shamita Suresh

Shamita Suresh

Medical Education: Year 5 Co-ordinator

Hello! I'm Shamita and I'm running for MedED 5th year coordinator.

I have been involved with MedED through running OSCE teaching sessions as well as being one of the Management Bsc leads. Throughout my time at Imperial MedED has always been a reliable source of teaching and has been extremely useful in exam season. I hope to be able to continue to help MedED provide high quality teaching and resources that are useful for everyone.

Having spoken to various 5th years I am able to recognise the key difficulties most people face when returning to clinical years post 4th year. I hope to be able to ensure 5th years are given advice on how to make the most of clinical placements and how to structure their time to avoid burn out as fifth year is especially long.

My various roles in ICSM such as welfare representative, director/producer in ICSM drama and my experience as a tutor has helped me develop the necessary skills for this position. Organising events ranging from organising plays to question panels for MedED, have helped me improve my time management and attention to detail. I hope to be able to use this experience to provide support and listen to feedback and concerns to continously improve the MedED experience and provide excellent lectures and run the PACES mocks smoothly.

Thank vou!