Photo of Sebastian Lo

Sebastian Lo

Boxing: Chair

Hey everyone, I'm Seb, a 2nd year Material Science student I am back on here to run for chair this year! As someone who is actively competing and being invovled with the club for awhile, I know that there is no better feeling and no better teacher than being in that ring and I want more people to experience that.

As president, I want to provide greater oppotunities to get in the ring whether it be through more friendly sparring or more compeditive bouts. For friendly sparring, this would be in the form of in-house sparring nights and just overall more sparring oppotunities in sessions. Competition wise, I will try extend our reach to unis further out of london (loughborough or sherfield etc) to get much more bouts for the compeditive boxers to make the most out of the season.

I will also work with the captains to provide more training outside for strength and conditionings, technical drills or even just simple runs to not only to get everyone sharpened, but also build that team spirit and energy.

Inline with building team spirit, I will work with closely with the social sec to also host boxing watch parties when a bigg fight is on and also notify everyone early when someone is fighting so we can get as much support as we can.

Anyways this has been long already but I hope you do vote for me and either way I will see you all in training!