Photo of Meena Gopal

Meena Gopal

Dance (ICSM): Treasurer

Hi, my name is Meena! If you don’t know me already, I was one of the social secs over the past year.

Spending the past year on Dance committee has given me the opportunity to see how things are run outside of classes and rehearsals. Next year, I'd like to take on a new responsibility in the position of treasurer.

I believe I’m suited to this role: having to balance being on multiple committees this year taught me the importance of being organised and on top of things. I'm also a good communicator and team-player – the needs of the society will be my main priority and I'll strive to take on the suggestions or feedback that you may have. I'm aware that the role of treasurer involves a different kind of responsibility than my current position, but I am prepared and eager to take on the challenge.

As treasurer, I intend to continue Minnah’s efforts from this year and of course stay on top of our finances and budget. Here are some of my other aims:

  • Responding to claims quickly, so members aren’t spending out of pocket
  • Try to get subsidies for social events and dinners in the future (could possibly apply to activities and meals on trips too?)
  • Supporting committee and the society as best as I can!

I’m looking forward to another year with Dance and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next.

Thanks for reading and I'd really appreciate your vote!