Photo of Onali Perera

Onali Perera

Vision: Sponsorship Officer

Hi everyone :D My name is Onali, I'm a 4th-year medic, and I'm running for Sponsorship officer next year.

I have so far been involved with Vision as a regular volunteer - at the mock MMI, as a Personal Statement Tutor, as part of the 6th Form Roadshow, and am accustomed to working off-the-cuff confidently. I aim to continue volunteering this year, but would love to get more involved as a committee member.

I have the experience to back up an admin position like this from being Social Secretary of ICSM Drama, Competition Lead for Psychiatry's Annual Conference, Chair of Poetry society, volunteer for both PlayTeam and Vision, and playing multiple roles within and outside many of these societies (such as helping out at mock OSCEs and informal tutoring) to get the job done. My positions over the last three years have all involved a large degree of keeping on top of emails, time-management and teamwork.

As Sponsorship officer I would be committed to consistently maintaining relationships with current sponsors, finding new sponsors, (I've had previous experience with AMBOSS and Make-a-Medic, for example) and taking responsibility for updating sponsor lists within Vision's online presence (the website, Instagram, Facebook, etc). I have already talked to some members of the team, and am always willing to learn and do more within the role.

Thank you for reading - I hope to get to know Vision and its committee in the coming year! :))