Photo of Ajith Kurian

Ajith Kurian

Consultancy: ICG VP Operations

Hey everyone,

I’m Ajith, a 2nd year EEE student with an interest in pursuing a career in the consulting industry. Imperial Consultancy has been invaluable in helping me develop an understanding of the industry through talks, case interview prep, and mentoring. As ICG has been a major inspiration to me, I am keen to contribute to the society’s success as VP of Operations.

Having had the opportunity to work on a consulting project at 180DC and in a client-facing role at Bloomberg, I understand how crucial an organised workflow is to the success of a project. Therefore in this role, I will aim to implement three main goals:

  • Efficiency: Implement project management methodologies that I have gained through engineering and work projects to manage the timelines and workflow of various projects.
  • Improve Onboarding: Projects can be quite daunting to newcomers, so I plan to create guides and training materials to ensure that everyone is upskilled as quickly as possible and can contribute effectively.
  • Smooth Operation: Send timely reminders of upcoming deliverables and deadlines. Gather feedback from members to identify areas for improvement.

I am eager to implement my ideas and look forward to working with the committee to keep everything running smoothly next year.

Thanks for reading and hope you vote for me :)