Photo of Alvaro Roel Bellot

Alvaro Roel Bellot

Pint of Science: Secretary

Hi everyone,

Thanks for taking the time to read this manifesto.

My name is Alvaro Roel Bellot. I am currently the Chair for the Pint of Science Society and running for Secretary in this election.

I coordinated Imperial College’s involvement in the Pint of Science festival in 2022 and 2023 and supported the 2024 coordinating team in my role as Chair of the Pint of Science Society.

As much as I love Pint of Science, I feel it is time for me to pass the baton and step down as Chair. Nonetheless, I feel the experience I’ve acquired these last few could still be very useful to the new committee, hence my decision to run as Secretary,

The 2022, 2023 and 2024 festivals were great successes!

If elected, I will support the new committee and help them make Imperial’s involvement in the 2025 Pint of Science Festival an even greater success, please vote for me!