Photo of Mathura Rasiah

Mathura Rasiah

International Tamil: Head of Events


I am Mathura and I am very excited to run for Head of Events. Having been a fresher this year, I have enjoyed my time with our Tamil society and I am now eager to give back and contribute in the best way possible.

As a subcommittee member, I helped run a game night and hosted the event. Having been part of MM30, besides performing, I supported the committee by assisting with logistics and being present whenever needed. The current Head of Event members have been a true inspiration as they welcomed the freshers to the society and ran different events to form a good relationship between members of the society. I believe this is crucial as strengthening the bond between the members will create a stronger community. I will look up to their hard work, promote more events and provide the best for our family. My experience as a prefect in my secondary school has helped me gain confidence and be comfortable talking to others, which I believe is essential when interacting with external companies. I have experience organising sponsored walks for school events and small family gatherings, skills that I can readily apply to this role.

This year's events were successful, and I'm excited to elevate them even higher! I am open to suggestions for future events and am particularly passionate about organizing a networking event that connects our students with Tamil professionals.

Thank you for your time and for considering me for this role.

Nadri vanakkam!