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Kadija Bangura

African Caribbean: Public Relations Officer

Hi, my name is Kadija and I am a 2nd year Medical Biosciences student looking to run for ACS PR officer.

Being a current student ambassador and having major involvement with outreach has helped me realise my passion for wanting to contribute to initiatives that look to provide students with access opportunities. Thus, I aspire to relay a similar impact within ACS with the hopes of expanding the society’s reach.

If elected to be the ACS PR officer for 24/25, I hope to:

  • Host engaging workshops to support prospective students when applying to Imperial
  • Liaise with schools and provide talks to give students insights to university life at Imperial
  • Improve and build upon the ACSTEM conference and continue to inspire Y12s to pursue degrees in STEM

Coming from a sixth form with the majority being black students and having these access pathways massively increased my confidence when applying. It is through my own experiences, I have recognised the importance of workshops that aim to reduce barriers. It is for this reason I wish to provide the same support for prospective black students. As an individual that is eager to give back to the community, I am greatly motivated to succeed at this role and utilise my experiences to achieve these objectives. Let’s continue to grow the incoming body of black students that would depict the future of ACS :)