Dermatology (ICSM): Publicity Officer


Dorsa Daleri

Hello! I’m Dorsa, and I would love to be your next Publicity Officer. Dermatology has always been a passion of mine, as I believe it encompasses a wide range of intriguing conditions and offers unique opportunities for medical practice. However, I've noticed that limited teaching during BRS makes it one of the less liked topics. As Publicity Officer, my goal is to change this by increasing student engagement i ...

Sandi Khit

Hello! I’m Sandi, currently a first-year medical student, and I’m running for the role of Dermatology Society’s next Publicity Officer. Learning about skincare being one of my favourite pastimes, it follows that Dermatology has become a main interest of mine, especially as clinical skin conditions are so prevalent. Thus, I would love to serve as a part of the Dermatology committee next year to cont ...