Photo of Megs Grainger

Megs Grainger

Psychiatry: President

Hi everyone!

I'm Megs, I've been your publicity officer this past year, and your Secretary of this upcoming year. I know what you're thinking, these two positions will be a lot of work, but this is work I'm willing to take on for such an amazing society that has been so kind to me since I joined three years ago. I have had talks with our current Secretary and President (who have both done such amazing jobs this year) and really took the time to consider if doing these roles together is plausible, and after a long time to think, I believe they are.

So, why vote me? I've been up to date on all of your Social Media and Whatsapp posting across the year consistently, so I've shown that I can be reliable, work with a wide range of committee members, as well as have good organisation. It's a difficult time when all of the events come together to not flood social medias and keep messages out there. I also juggled 2 positions on 2 different committees last year (as Bands Coordinator for ICSM Music) so have shown ability to time manage

There isn't enough manifesto words to explain how much I love this society and would love to be next years President,

Thank you for reading, I hope I get your vote :) xoxo