Photo of Shiromi Patrick

Shiromi Patrick

TeddyBear Hospital: Secretary

Hi my name is Shiromi, a third year medic. I am currently the treasurer of TBH and was the school liaison officer last year. I am applying to be secretary for the upcoming year. TBH has been a huge part of my Wednesday afternoons since first year and I would love to continue being part of such an amazing society. Having had many roles in multiple societies such as treasurer for many societies, early years rep in GP society and conference subcommittees, I have been able to organise my time well. I am a reliable person who always sticks to deadlines so you can ensure emails will be sent on time! During my role as School Liaison Officer, I worked closely with the secretary in ensuring I had an up to date list of volunteers to send to necessary schools. I understand the importance of effective communication between the society and volunteers and I would love to be involved in this. I am aware of some of the initial problems we had with MailChimp and understand from the current secretary the ways that we can avoid this. I have been making several Microsoft Forms for various projects, so I know how to navigate my way around that and coordinate the list of volunteers. I look forward to working with so many committee members during my role as secretary. Please do vote for me to be the next secretary!