Photo of Mithra Kumaran

Mithra Kumaran

Sports & Exercise Medicine: Secretary

My name is Mithra and I would like to run for Secretary of Sports and Exercise Medicine. After being in the society for the last two years and attending various conferences, I have loved what the society does and now would love to be a part of the team.

I have had experience being part of committees through being Secretary of Imperial Medics Women’s Football Club (IMWFC). As Secretary, I was able to support my Club Captain by taking on a portion of her responsibilities, relieving the pressure on her to ensure the club ran smoothly. Overall, I have successfully implemented innovative solutions to enhance engagement and strive for excellence.

As SEM secretary, I would love to assist the conference chair through enhancing external communication channels, for example finding guest speakers. I am interested in establishing partnerships with other societies I belong to such as Orthopaedics Society. Orthopaedics is a surgical and medical speciality that is integral to SEM and I believe that having joint events would attract and introduce more students to both areas of medicine. Excellent communication skills are pivotal in the role of being Secretary that which I have demonstrated within IMWFC through fostering positive and supportive relationships between players.

I am deeply committed to the goals and values of the Sports and Exercise Medicine Society. My previous experiences showcase my reliability and dedication to making a meaningful impact. I aspire to create a forward-thinking environment to continue the great successes this society has achieved.