Photo of Shreya Rai

Shreya Rai

Medical Humanities: Secretary

Hey I'm Shreya and I'm running to be your next secretary for MedHums. I have loved being a part of MedHums and something that looks to the human side of medicine and seeing 'patients' more as 'people' and not just cases.

In my previous experience:

  • I established and coordinated a Medical Society supporting sixth form students entry into medical university - recording notes of every meeting and planning meetings
  • I have led whole school events which celebrated multiculturism and inclusivity - as the primary communication link between staff and students; we raised £1000 for charity
  • As a Senior prefect and Wellbeing representative, I was a point of contact for both students and staff alike, helping students' deal with personal wellbeing issues and general problems students presented to the committee

I think it is so important that we understand the many layers that come with medicine, it isn't just about knowing the science which will make us good doctors. Learning about the stories patients have and exploring the different ways humans can express these stories is key to understand medical humanities. As secretary I will work hard to ensure activites of MedHums run smoothly and to foster the welcoming, colourful and open-minded spirit of MedHums.

I would love and be grateful for the opportunity to be part of the MedHums team : )