Photo of Dhruvit Modi

Dhruvit Modi

Plastic Surgery: Treasurer

Hi everyone! I’m Dhruvit, a 2nd year medic, and I’m running to be Treasurer of iPRAS. Being part of the subcommittee this year has been very enjoyable, enriching and have gained invaluable insights into the society’s operations and all the hard work everyone puts into the different events. I now wish to take a step further and maintain the success of the society as treasurer.

As founder of a fundraiser to provide food packages to vulnerable families in India during COVID-19, I developed a solid foundation in logistics and management such as creating a budget and monitoring cash flow. In the end, we raised £2500.

Being part of the logistics and finance team of iPRAS this year has helped me develop skills ranging from: contacting various companies, having meetings with potential sponsors, negotiating and writing contracts.Therefore, I understand the details of handling payments and know how important it is to organise them well.

As treasurer, my aims would be to:

  • Support conference chairs in creating event budgets and efficient spreadsheets
  • Keep a record of all transactions to ensure clarity and responsibility
  • Help the committee in regards to financial decisions such that we can provide delegates with best experience whilst keeping the events financially viable

I would be grateful for your vote as treasurer, so together we can make next year equally successful!