Photo of Hasan Zaidi

Hasan Zaidi

Plastic Surgery: RTS Conference Chair

Vote Mohamed and Hasan as Co-Chairs for RTS Conference Leads!
Why Vote for Us?
•⁠ ⁠Mohamed's Track Record: As the workshop coordinator for the Neuroscience Meeting of the Minds Conference, I’ve successful in securing key speakers to enhance our workshops. As the sponsorship officer for the psychiatry society conference, I've secured essential funding and built strong relationships with sponsors. I'm ready to use these connections to benefit the RTS conference.
•⁠ ⁠Hasan’s Commitment: I've attended every IPRAS conference in 2023/24, showing my dedication to staying involved and informed. I want to use my experience as a delegate to enhance the conference experience for future attendees. I have also attracted sponsors, speakers, and workshop leads for conferences, and will seek only the best speakers.
Our Promises for the RTS Conference:
•⁠ ⁠Diverse Speakers: We will bring a wide variety of speakers from around the world, including IMGs who have secured spots on US residency programmes and trauma surgeons who work in war-zones. Whether you’re interested in clinical practice, research, or business, there will be valuable insights for everyone.
•⁠ ⁠Engaging Workshops: Our workshops won’t just be informative—they’ll be interactive and hands-on. We want every attendee to leave with something they’re excited about.
•⁠ ⁠Affordable Access: We understand the importance of making the conference accessible to as many people as possible. We’ll work hard to keep ticket prices down by securing more sponsorships and managing our resources wisely.
Vote for Practical Experience and a Fresh Perspective—Vote Mohamed and Hasan