Photo of Shen Li

Shen Li

Botanical: Vice Chair

As a first-year Medical Biosciences student with a passion for plants, I am thrilled to apply for the position of Vice Chair for the Botanical Society. My enthusiasm for plants, coupled with my organisational and leadership skills, makes me an ideal candidate to support and enhance our society's activities and initiatives.

Key Objectives

  • Enhance Member Experience: I will work closely with other committee members to organise events such as plant swap, plant science talks, flower market crawls, and social gatherings.
  • Foster Community and Collaboration: I will encourage collaboration with other societies and seek opportunities for joint events. This will enrich our members' experiences and broaden our network.
  • Use of society fund: I will work with other committee members to maximise the use of our society funding to benefit our members, while seeking for additional sources of funding.

About me

  • Organisational Skills: I am adept at planning and coordinating events, ensuring that all activities run smoothly and successfully.
  • Passion for Plants: My deep interest in plants and dedication to the Botanical Society’s mission will drive my commitment to our society.
  • Respond to feedback: I’m eager to learn, always welcome feedback and committed to continuously improving, ensuring that I remain responsive to the evolving needs of our members.

By electing me as your Vice Chair, you will be choosing a dedicated and creative individual ready to support and enhance the Botanical Society’s activities and member engagement. Together, we can cultivate a vibrant community of plant enthusiasts.

Thank you for your consideration!