Photo of Nikita James

Nikita James

RAG (ICSM): General Committee

Hi everyone <3 my name is Nikita and I am running for volunteer outreach officer this year!

I really enjoy volunteering and charitable work, obviously RAG is all about giving back to the community and that’s something I’m really passionate about.

I think I’d be great for this role as I’ve done a lot of voluntary work throughout my life- local charities, fundraising for alzeihmers society by posting videos of me singing online during COVID and running, and most recently as a Paediatric Society Playteam leader, where my role is to organise fortnightly sessions and lead a group of volunteers for a charity that provides fun distractions for kids in paeds wards. This has been a really rewarding experience so I’d love the chance to organise more fun volunteering opportunities and to bring my passion to RAG committee!

Like many of you, I am a frequent enjoyer of RAG events, and if elected I can promise I will dedicate my time to help to make RAG week even more incredible and inclusive next year!