Photo of Diya Gupta

Diya Gupta

RAG (ICSM): General Committee

Hi everyone, I’m Diya and I would love to be on RAG committee this year!

Having spent the last year as ICSMLHC social sec I not only have first-hand knowledge of all the events RAG puts on through the year, but also how to organise events and coordinate large groups of people. I had to communicate with a range of companies, handle large amounts of money and deal with any problems on the day ensuring everything runs smoothly. These skills of problem solving and collaborative working are key to what I would bring to RAG and why I would be a reliable person on committee.

My aims for RAG would be to include more year-group specific events to promote cohesiveness within years and introduce events targeted less towards drinking, ensuring everyone can get involved. This would include events such as quiz nights, charity hikes and a bigger summer ball with the whole med school. With any event, my goal would be raising interest and popularity in the event to maximise profits and benefit RAG.

I have carried out fundraising for various charities in my life, including SCOPE, a leading charity in England and Wales, and others in my local area. This gave me an understanding of how charities are run and an appreciation for charity work. My passion combined with the skills and experience I have gained over the past few years is why I can be an integral member of RAG committee this year.