Design Engineering: Operations Manager and Secretary


Kang Yang

Hey guys, I am Kang, I stand for DesSoc Srecretary for next year.

Christopher Lau

As the candidate for the roles of Operation Manager and Secretary of the DesSoc, I am committed to fostering transparency, efficiency, and member engagement. My key initiatives include making the society's budget balance apparent through weekly updates in our newsletter, ensuring members are informed about financial matters, and refining the DesEng helping sheet by adding a "rate your pr ...

Sihan Gao

Just vote me! And have a better Des Eng 😋.

Emily Haynes

TLDR: Sections in bold Hey there, I am Emily in DE2. Here is a run down of my vision and plans. As your Operations Manager, I will maintain key dessoc events and ensure our society works smoothly, transparently, and efficiently. 1. Engage: Make a year book for DE4. Create opportunities for members to actively participate in society preparations. 2. Industry Start a student lead alumni network. Create a d ...