Photo of Caithlin Ho

Caithlin Ho

Energy: Vice President (Talks)

Hello! I’m Caithlin, a first year Materials Science and Engineering student. Having been interested in the topic of energy and sustainability, I’ve attended many talks and events regarding energy resources and issues. Having been in a crowd of audience many times, I understand what audience enjoy or look out for (everything from the content, speaker, food, environment, to level of engagement and interaction with speakers and other audience). Now I hope to be able to organize meaningful and fun talks for everyone interested :)

If elected, these are some things I hope to accomplish:

🍔Good venue and good food! (Isn’t a talk always more enjoyable when we have something nice to munch on?)

💻 Online forum to keep track of talks and provide a platform for members to exchange ideas!

🐾Seek for and work on feedback after each talk for subsequent talks (this can range from content, speaker, duration, and even food provided etc 😉)

🪴Understand various issues members in our society are interested in and try my best to organize for related talks.

🪵(Optional) sharings and projects related to the talks/post-talk Q&A —> always open to inputs and suggestions!

🎞️Working with the marketing officer (and possibly interested individuals) in filming and creating promotional content

🧹Ensuring the venues are nice and clean before and after the talks

Having organized events with external parties for various societies before, I understand the process of working with them and hope to use these skills for the role. :)

Thank you for reading!