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Imesh Wijesuriya

Infectious Diseases Society: Fundraising Officer

Writing as a first-year, my committment to this role and creative perspective is what drives this manifesto. I have had experience before in fundraising for several causes, including organising and being part of a short concert that raised money for a hospice which provided care such as preparing home-cooked meals for patients and bereavement support and it was an inspiring experience for me. I am highly motivated to learn more in this field, and gaining experience is crucial to this. My innovative & ambitious thinking/communication skills will help in creating effective fundraising strategies that appeal to a wider audience.

Infectious Diseases Society itself does a great job of already supporting students in furthering their interest in the field, especially having attended the talks and conferences from big personnel in the field. It is truly amazing to see how many of these opportunities can be provided to medical students as they progress. I wish to simultaneously maintain this plethora of opportunity and help to grow & expand its exposure to a larger audience so that more people can discover these opportunities. I also wish to help in expanding interest in the society and the opportunities on offer by building on the foundation of sustainable fundraising practices, ensuring continuous support for the society's initiatives through campaigning and fundraising events that raise awareness.

To conclude, I am confident in my passion and dedication to this role and would love to help and see a positive impact on the inspiring growth of this society.