Photo of Richard Zhao Zhao

Richard Zhao Zhao

Chamber Music: Socials Officer
My name is Richard Zhao, a first-year undergraduate in our society. I'm writing this to express my gratitude for being in such a wonderful society, and to stand for our social officer.
In the past several months, I've been joining various events held by our society: not only the regular meeting every two weeks, but the spring concert and Hao Rao recital. I was lucky that I could contribute my effort to organize the events, by planning the seating and stall arrangements, by regulating rehearsal, and by taking pictures of the events.
In these events, I've become more familiar with how to organize an event, and how to communicate with players and guests. As a result, I'm confident that with my effort, and along with everyone else's contribution, chamber music society will organize more big events and become one of the best-known society at Imperial College, even among all colleges in London.
I'd be more than appreciative if I can have this opportunity to contribute to the society I love, and I'll bring the best out of me to meet all the requirements.