Photo of Seo Won Park

Seo Won Park

Orchestra - Symphony: Vice-Chair

Hi, I’m Seo Won.

The set responsibilities of Vice Chair aren’t stated so the role is really what the person makes of it but I believe the role largely exists solely to support the Chair in their work. The Chair is “responsible for maximising the efforts of the committee to generate the best outcome for the orchestra”. So I think the responsibility of Vice Chair should be to minimise effort of the Chair where possible to ensure sustainable, healthy, long-running of the society.

I have worked as an ICSMU academic representative, collating large volumes of feedback, analysing and liaising with faculty in numerous meetings each term to better the student experience and I have seen tangible changes implemented to the delivery of the course through our work. Through my experiences in various roles and the nature of my course, I realise the fundamental impact effective communication has on relationships and work outcomes. The role of Chair requires a lot of communication with both internal and external parties and conflicts are inevitable so I will work to ensure resolution as to maximise our opportunities and thus experience as ICSO.

I think proactivity and the willingness to take responsibility in making change stems from a genuine love or interest for something. I have 100% trust Sam and the committee will drive that change amazingly. I see the direction in which Sam envisions in taking the orchestra and intend on wholly supporting his plans to foster a more enriching music community at Imperial.