Photo of Marya Abuarqoub

Marya Abuarqoub

Plastic Surgery: Teaching Series Lead

After attending several of the society’s events and conferences, I have developed an interest in joining the IPRAS committee. I have accumulated experience in teaching following my exposure as an A-level subject tutor. Additionally, I led a mini-teaching series following an online conference I organised on the therapeutic and diagnostic potentials of CRISPR Cas 9, and I have maintained a long-term professional relationship with the administration of a board of schools in North Africa. I have been rigorously working to tailor a program that encourages students to seek out research opportunities and get involved in extracurricular reading - an area I found lacking after spending some time volunteering at these schools as a teaching assistant. The program is now running in its third year with much success, fostering interest in research and medicine among many student attendees. Notably, I have also established connections with speakers from esteemed institutions such as UCL, UoM, and Cambridge, as a result of my active participation in conferences and academic and surgical workshops. Thus, I am confident in my ability to recruit speakers to support the teaching series.

I look forward to the possibility of joining IPRAS to actively enhance knowledge and awareness surrounding the field of plastic surgery!