Personalised Medicine: Secretary


Shen Li

As a first year Medical Biosciences student passionate about the innovative field of personalised medicine, I am excited to apply for the position of Secretary for Personalised Medicine Society. I am eager to play a part in ensuring the efficient and effective administration of the Personalised Medicine Society, supporting our mission to explore and promote advancements in personalised medicine with a focus on entrep ...

Khushi Agarwal

Hi, I'm Khushi and I am studying Medical Biosciences with Management. Being the secretary for PerMed sounds like the perfect job for me as I, for some reason??, love to do admin work and organising things, and doing it for a society addressing upcoming advancements in science gets two thumbs up emojis. I despise long forms and boring ig posts like everyone else so I aim to take inspiration from RyanAir tiktoks 🫡 an ...