Photo of Shen Li

Shen Li

Personalised Medicine: Publicity Officer

As a first year Medical Biosciences student passionate about the innovative field of personalised medicine, I am excited to apply for the position of Publicity Officer for the Personalised Medicine Society. I am eager to contribute to raising awareness and promoting our society’s activities and events.

Key Objectives

  • Enhancing Visibility: I will ensure that all society events, from guest speaker lectures and academic workshops to networking opportunities and our flagship conference, are widely publicised across multiple channels, including social media, email newsletters, and posters.
  • Engaging Content: I will create engaging and informative content that highlights the significance of personalised medicine and showcases the value of our society’s activities.
  • Online community: I will work to build a strong online community by fostering interactions and discussions among members. This will involve creating and maintaining active social media groups and promoting networking opportunities at our events.
  • Collaboration and Outreach: I will collaborate with other societies and organisations to cpromote events and initiatives, expanding our reach and creating opportunities for our members.

About me

  • Creative Communication Skills: My ability to craft compelling messages and visual content will ensure that our society’s activities are effectively communicated and engaging.
  • Social Media Proficiency: I am proficient in using various social media platforms to maximise outreach and engagement.
  • Passion for Personalised Medicine: My enthusiasm for this cutting-edge field drives my commitment to promoting our society and its mission.

Together, we can inspire and educate our community about the exciting advancements in personalised medicine.

Thank you for your consideration!