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Adam Ali

Chess: Sponsorship Secretary

Having already been a successful Treasurer in 2023-2024, I am the reliable and pro-active choice for Sponsorship Secretary.

In 23-24, my achievements were:

Most notably, atop of my role as Treasurer, I've become very familiar with the sponsorship process this year. I've seen the process from start to (almost!) finish, having taken the initiative to reach out, discuss and formalize our ideas with several world leading prop/quant-trading firms - all on my own. Whilst an ongoing process, sponsorship is now likely to materialize for next year, making YOUR events cheaper, or even free.

I was the lead on planning for the Valentine Cup against the University of Oxford, ensuring that our itenary and dinner cost were managed seamlessly.

As Treasurer, it was my duty to handle our club's financial documentation - that extends to writing annual budgets, managing claims etc.

In 24-25, I plan to:

Finalize and secure the sponsorship deal currently in the pipeline.

I plan to revive discussions with firms that showed interest but postponed sponsorship decisions to the next academic year. And if not, I'm never shy to reach out elsewhere.

With any sponsorship money, allocate it to where our Club's priorities lie. This would most likely be funding the creation of away well as more pizza :)

Leveraging my experience, help new committee members settle into their new roles and responsibilities.

Don't be a pawn - vote for Adam.