Photo of Hannah Seo

Hannah Seo

ENT ( Ear Nose and Throat) Society : Publicity Officer

Hello everyone,

My name is Hannah, I am in second year and I am excited to be running for Publicity Officer.

I attended various online talks as a new member of ENT Soc and having enjoyed these opportunities and experience, I became interested in becoming part of the commitee to help in making the society even more accessible and one which runs smoothly and provides both learning and networking opportunities for members like me who may be very interested in ENT as a specialty. Therefore, I thought I would apply for this role to become more engaged with the society and to contribute more next year.

I would love to play a part in getting more people interested in ENT and wanting to make a difference and learn more. My experiences of organising teaching series, hosting large scale events in the past and designing online posts and stories, posters, brochures and logos for event marketing will support me in this role in expanding our reach and getting more people involved. I like to make things aesthetic and enjoy drawing and design generally - hopefully this will be an asset for this role too.

Thank you for reading and I would appreciate your support :)