Photo of Shen Li

Shen Li

BiomED: Year 2 Lead

Hi everyone! I’m Shen, a current first year BMB student running for Year 2 Lead of BiomED society for next year.

I have a genuine desire to contribute to the society's growth by inputting my ideas and effort, as I believe BiomED society is a fantastic idea that could really provide BMB students with valuable resources and improve our career prospects.

  • As an organised, responsible and detail-oriented individual, I can report deadlines for upcoming assignments and exams to the committee promptly and accurately.
  • My verbal and written communication skills can allow me to liaise between committee, tutorial leads and society members, to ensure teaching sessions are organised well in advance and relevant details are made available.
  • I’m highly adaptable and work efficiently under pressure, so I can respond to last minute changes and take on extra responsibilities whenever needed.
  • I’m eager to learn, always welcome feedback and committed to continuously improving, ensuring that I remain responsive to the evolving needs of our members.

Together, we can make BiomED a thriving hub of academic support and professional growth. Vote for me as your Year 2 Lead, and let's build a vibrant and resourceful community together!