Photo of Emma Golding

Emma Golding

EFDS Soc: Social Secretary

Hi everyone! I'm excited to run for the position of Social Secretary for our EFDS society. Having been an active participant in the Snow Sports Society throughout the year and Medics Netball in Term 1, I've gained valuable insights into what elements make social events both enjoyable and memorable. This experience has given me the knowledge and skills to plan events that are not just fun but also inclusive and well-organized.

As a naturally extroverted person, I thrive in social settings and am keen to bring this energy to our society. My plan is to organize a variety of events that cater to everyone's tastes and preferences. While I love a fun pub night, I understand that not everyone may enjoy drinking-based activities. Therefore, I propose to also include diverse non-drinking events, tailored to what you guys want to experience.

Considering that many of us will be living off-campus next year, I will make sure to plan events that are accessible and at convenient times for everyone. My goal is to ensure that no matter where you live or what your interests are, you'll have opportunities to engage, unwind, and create lasting memories with our society.